3 min read
Hi again. It’s been a good week for blogging. I’ve been loving sharing a bit more of my life and my thoughts on here with you and getting so much lovely feedback via email, on Facebook and in the comments. Thank you, friends. I always love hearing your reactions and thoughts! (In case you didn’t catch my posts from earlier this week, they are here and here).
Right, week 4 of Project Life. I had a bit less time putting this spread together but the thing I love about this project is that it is possible to create the weekly spread quite quickly.

The spread is a wild mix of pictures, journaling and other snippets this week. This project made me realise that it was the third week in a row Edd and I had tickets to something! The two weeks before we had gone to the cinema and this week we went to see Hal Cruttenden, a Comedian at the theatre. The tickets had been a Christmas present from my parents and we had a really fun night with lots of laughter.

I took my big camera so we could get some nice photos of Edd and I. We asked a couple behind us to take a picture of us. They weren’t very familiar with working a DSLR, so we ended up with this one blurry shot. I found it quite funny and still decided to print the photo and include it here. Below I stuck my ticket and a picture of Hal on stage.

The rest of the first page is quite random. I took a screenshot of this motivation from the Nike app as a reminder to how much I love running these days. During the week I also finished a 1000-piece puzzle. It was so fun but meant I spent a lot less time knitting.

I downloaded this “currently-list” from Kristen’s blog. I think I might include little lists like this more often now. They are a lovely way of documenting everyday joys.
I’ve been seeing this quote about habit a lot lately. It really resonates with me. For example, when I started the 30-day yoga challenge I felt super motivated and excited. With time this wore off, but now I still hop on my yoga mat first thing when I wake up as it has become a habit. I am hoping I can extend this sentiment to more areas in my life!

January has been a full month and during this week I was particularly tired. I got an annoying cold and found myself in a pretty bad mood on Sunday evening. This little print about having a positive mindset really inspired me and I tried to focus on the things in life I am grateful for rather than the things that stress me out. (To be completely honest, I still continued to pity myself quite a bit afterwards, but it did help a little!)
How was your week?
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