February goals - Bright Bold Life
Goals & Productivity

Hello February! Goals for the month.

2 min read

It’s February. Which makes me feel a bit nervous as it is now only a few weeks until I am off for my internship. But also excited as we’re going skiing this month. I can’t wait!

My main goal for this month is to stay sane. I have learned that this involves saying no a lot. (And by extension saying yes to more sleep, more time to relax and time to get all my work done).

However, here’s the more fun list:

February Goals - Bright bold life

In case the writing is not very legible, here in type form:

  1. Keep up with my 10k running plan
  2. Meet all work deadlines
  3. Meditate every day using the headspace app (can be as little as 3 minutes!)
  4. Create four spreads for Project Life (I am excited for lots of pictures of snow!)
  5. Photoshop Introduction Course (I found this one-hour long intro course to Photoshop, which seems like a great starting point for my evergrowing fascination with photography and design.)
  6. FINISH my research proposal.
  7. Bible Study on Mark chapters 10 – 15.

Happy February everyone!

I reviewed my goals for January in yesterday’s post, which you can find here.

Have a good one guys.

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  • Reply Kristin B Cook 1 February 2019 at 4:28 pm

    That Photoshop course sounds good! I need to learn eventually too! Good luck on your goals for February!

    • Reply Britta 1 February 2019 at 11:48 pm

      Thank you! Yes, I am doing it via skillshare – so far it is pretty good!

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