10 min read
As previously mentioned, I decided to participate in Ali Edward’s Day in the Life memory keeping project today.
In 2021 I documented a whole week, day by day. It was my last full week of living in Berlin and I was heavily pregnant. Life was so different to now! It’s so easy to forget how I felt, the things I worried about or looked forward to. I really enjoyed the process of documenting and I love having this record of the mundane details of my life back then. (If you like, you can check out those posts here).
Also, I really appreciate blog posts or vlogs that simply show a normal day in a person’s life. It’s a little bit why I like reading – you get a little taste of a different life and learn about someone else’s day to day experience. If you feel similar – I hope you will enjoy this post which details some of what I did today.
Saturday, 01/04/23 – A day in the life
Today was a Saturday. At first, I didn’t love the idea of documenting a day in my life during the weekend, but it was actually quite interesting for me.
I am a lover of routine. Therefore, the (relative) predictability of Monday to Friday suits my quite well. Obviously, I do love weekends but they sometimes are a bit more chaotic, which I can find difficult. However, paying close attention to my day to day, I did realise that our family actually has a bit of a Saturday routine.
Day in the life: The Night

3:30 am
For accuracy’s sake, a day in my life does not start at a time traditionally considered as morning. Normally, there is also a fair bit of activity happening during the night. We have had a pretty terrible time with SJs sleep but it has gotten better lately. She still wakes up around 3 or 4 am most nights, and it was the same this morning. She wanted her bottle and to cuddle for a bit but then asked to go back to her own bed. I find that a very positive development, but sitting next to her bed at half three in the morning is still quite exhausting. I was back in bed around 4:15 am.
Day in the life: The Morning
If you have met my husband Edd you will know that he loves Formula 1. So, despite him not being a morning person in the slightest he got out of bed at 6 am this morning to watch the qualifying. This was great for me, as he then also entertained SJ once she woke up and I was able to stay in bed much longer than normally.
7:15 am // waking up
After waking up I just laid in bed for while enjoying the quiet. Then, I aimlessly scrolled my phone for a bit. Annoyingly, I had left my book in the living room the night before, otherwhise this would have been an excellent time to do a bit of reading.
Around half an hour later Edd and SJ brought me a coffee (and my book!). SJ wanted some snuggles and we finished watching the F1 all together in our bed. Edd then got SJ ready for the day whilst I read for a bit before getting up myself.

8:45 am // breakfast
One of our Saturday traditions is French toast for breakfast. SJ loves it and it’s easy and quick to make but still feels like a special treat to me. I had mine with some berries that I had gotten for free the day before at the supermarket as they were past their due date. I normally don’t buy berries as they are quite expensive, so this breakfast was extra decadent! After we finished our meal, I had a quick shower and got ready.

10 am // Baby sports
On Saturday mornings we take SJ to the local sports club for “Baby Sports”. The people who run it basically put lots of different equipment that helps small kids learn to balance, to jump, climb and run. The kids are between 10 and 26 months and it’s so fun. SJ is just at the age where she is starting to interact with other children more and it’s really nice to watch. She is also so brave! She loves climbing up stuff and to just run free. Added bonus for us: She always naps suuuper well afterwards.

Day in the life: The Afternoon
After Baby Sports we drove back home. Edd gave SJ some lunch and put her down for her nap whilst I headed back out the door.
12 pm // Jumble Sale
In our village, there was a big jumble sale today for kids clothes and toys. We buy most things for SJ second hand. Today, I didn’t find a whole lot of clothes but quite a few different toys! Two games, a puzzle, a lockbox, a buggy and a bobby car. I was pretty excited about all those finds.
After loading the car with all our new treasures, I got myself a coke and a snack from a shop, listened to the rain on the car and read my book for a bit. It was rather lovely.

2 pm // Chill time
Back home, I had some food (fresh bread with dark chocolate spread and some melon, that was also free at the supermarket). Whilst eating I continued reading “Jamaica Inn”. It is our current book club read. I still have about 130 pages to go and our next meeting is this Monday. So I need to keep at it!
I then spend a bit of time praying, journaling and reading the Bible. I am trying to use naptimes to do things that help me recharge. Spending time with Jesus defintely falls into that category. I don’t often think to sit down for my quiet time once the morning has passed but I am very glad I did today.
Finally, I fed my sourdough starter! I am on day 3. It’s looking pretty good so far! I made some very nice pancakes with the discard yesterday and am planning on making more tomorrow morning.

3:30 pm // play time
SJ was very excited when she woke up and saw all her new toys! We played for a bit before getting her dressed and her and I then headed to my parent’s house. There we had some tea and SJ played some more and looked at books with my mum. Grandparents are the best.

Day in the life: The evening
As SJ had slept quite long, the afternoon went by very quickly. We headed back home and I started making dinner while Edd gave SJ a bath.
6:30 pm // dinner + bedtime

Today, we had mashed potatoe, fish fingers and broccoli for dinner. I had thought that fish fingers were a bit of a treat for our toddler but SJ wasn’t impressed. She only ate potatoe. She is a bit tricky around food, which sometimes annoys me. However, choosing potatoes over deep fried fish seemed like an acceptable choice.
After dinner it was time to get SJ ready for bed. She was a bit reluctant, all the new toys were a bit too exciting. We normally aim to get her down around 7:30 pm-ish. Today it was 8:35 pm by the time she slept. I think the clocks changing last week threw our rhythm off a little bit.
9 pm // Winding down
After putting SJ to bed, I hang out with Edd for a while. Then, I sat down at my laptop with some snacks and spent some time writing this blog post. Which has taken me a while! It is now already 11:30 pm. Most defnitely time to go to bed.

I hope you enjoyed coming along on this Saturday with me! Good night!
This is Day 40 of my 100 Day Project. You can learn more about my 100 day project by reading this post. If you want to do your own 100 day Project, I would recommend checking out the 100 Day Project website.
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