3 min read
Today little L is already 1 month old!
Somehow her birth already feels like such a long time ago and I can’t quite believe she has only been with us for a bit over 4 weeks. Most of it has been just lovely. She is a really happy baby and already smiles so much.
SJ has taken amazingly to her role as a big sister, giving L lots of toys, bringing her dummy and helping me change nappies.

L is doing really well
L is still slightly snotty but has recovered really well from her illness. She is very alert but also sleeps a lot. Most of the time she is very calm and content. It appears that she is a rather patient person, enduring all of her sisters poking and squeezing and cuddling without complaining. But we will see how that will change with time… Ha!
L had her 1-month check-up at the doctors this week and everything looked perfect. I am so grateful that she is okay now!
I am sleep-deprived but happy
After a few weeks of interrupted sleep and almost no sleep while L was hospitalised the exhaustion has definitely caught up with me. I have a hard time napping during the day – it’s too bright and my mind and body are too restless. However, I go to bed at 9 pm most nights which helps a little bit.
Despite the sleep-deprivation I feel really happy. What a gift to spend my days with these two small, amazing humans. And Edd, of course!

The end of paternity leave
Speaking of Edd – he is back to working full-time since this week. He had two weeks of parental leave and then took some holidays to be home in the afternoons for another two weeks. It was so nice to have him around so much and spend lots of time as a family.
This Sunday he is flying to the UK for a week. It will be hard to spend the days without his support but I feel confident that us three girls will manage the time well on our own. Luckily we have quite a bit of support.
I will keep you posted on how it goes!

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