
What is saving my life right now // 2 weeks postpartum

5 min read

Today, our little L is two weeks old! She likes her milk, is putting on weight and as far as babies go she is a pretty good sleeper (for now! Famous last words…!). It seems like she has a rather relaxed personality so far and is so sweet to see how she is always super attentive and calm when her sister is talking.

Unfortunately, SJ has a bad cold and the last few nights were quite disturbed and our days started rather early. We are rather tired! Especially the weekend felt a bit chaotic and bleary-eyed. However, we made it through without any arguments or meltdowns. So, on the whole, our postpartum days are still going well!

I wanted to share a few things that have made life a bit easier. Kendra Adachi also known as the Lazy Genius shares a list once a quarter of things that are saving her life right now – things that bring her joy, make life easier or help her feel calmer. I love those episodes and the idea behind them.

So here’s what is saving my life right now – postpartum edition!

A heat lamp for the changing table

We didn’t have one of these when SJ was a baby and she absolutely lost it every time we needed to change her. Maybe it is just L is more chill (and we are too!) or it is due to her not being cold during nappy changes but it is a much much calmer experience this time around.

Leaving the house

Edd and I both love hanging out at home but somehow when we are both sleep-deprived it is best for our marriage if we go somewhere. SJ also is in a much better mood once she has spent some time outside.

On Friday Edd and I went for a meal at our favourite Italian restaurant for lunch with L while SJ was at Kita. It was so nice! And there was the added bonus of not having to cook.

Saturday afternoon we saw some really good friends who have two girls the same ages as ours. We had great conversations and they made us the most delicious meal. It made the day so much better.

And on Sunday we went to the zoo! It was lovely.

A perennial spray bottle

If you have given birth you might remember that using the bathroom in the early days isn’t super straightforward. I bought myself this perennial spray bottle and it has made life much easier.

“Everlasting Arms (Lean Hard)” by Lou Fellingham

Especially these lyrics from the song are so encouraging to me right now:

When we have exhausted our store of endurance
When our strength has failed and the day is half done
When we’ve reached the end of our earthly resources
The Father’s full giving is only begun

My breastfeeding app

Whenever I feed L I simply press one button on my app and it then tells me how long it has been in between and since our last feed. It removes a bit of mental load for me and I like that it provides me with a little statistic about her feeding habits over time. Not because of any worries I have, just because I like numbers!


To my own surprise I still have managed to knit for a few minutes almost every day since L was born. It gives me so much joy! The never ending cycle of feeding and changing nappies can be a bit frustrating at times. In this season more than ever there is just something so satisfying about seeing tangible progress on something I am working on.


Whoever invented them was a genius. L is a pretty good sleeper but when she does wake up earlier than she should a dummy is a great helper in getting her to settle and fall back asleep. With SJ I had big ideas of not wanting to use a dummy but this time around I bought them before L was born and took them in my hospital bag. Everyone obviously makes their own choices but I’d highly recommend this one – save yourself some stress!

Freezer meals

In the weeks leading up to my due date I often doubled-up on recipes I made so I had one portion to freeze. We also bought a freezer to put in our basement so we don’t just have the single drawer that is part of our fridge. It is rather nice not having to worry about making a meal every day at the moment.

A sleep mask

I am a terrible napper. During the day I just cannot fall asleep. Mostly due to my overactive brain and my inability to stop making to-do-lists but also because it is just too bright. So far, I managed two naps with the help of my meditation app and this amazing sleep mask. If you have a hard time napping maybe give it a try.

Are there any things that are making your life easier or more joyful these days? I’d love to hear about them!

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