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For today’s Motherhood Monday I thought I’d give you some more details about my pregnancy! When I was having SJ I did some occasional updates on how I am doing and how we chose to handle some of the questions that come with pregnancy. I find these posts super precious to look back on, and always love to hear about other people’s journeys as well.
How far along?
Right now, I am 19 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Meaning we are almost at the halfway point! This seems absolutely crazy to me. I still keep forgetting quite often that I am pregnant – life as a working mum with a toddler is busy! But my belly is definitely growing and I can feel the baby more and more.
How am I doing in this pregnancy?
So far, things have been going well! I struggled a lot less with feeling sick this time around and haven’t been as sensitive to smells. (To be fair, I am always whether pregnant or not very easily affected by smells, so this doesn’t say much!)
However, I have just been super tired. Even with the beginning of the second trimester I have still felt quite fatigued. It is slowly getting better now but I still lack energy. I am finding that very hard! Often I have all these plans for when SJ naps or when she is asleep in the evening – like sewing or getting some housework done but then just end up lying on the sofa or bed with a book.
Some of that might have also been due to the heatwave we had for the last couple of weeks. It has gotten a lot cooler since the weekend, so I am hoping I will be able to do a bit more in the coming days and weeks.
I am trying to have grace for myself. I think the miscarriage took both a physical and mental toll, that I felt for a while. Also, I only recently stopped breastfeeding SJ, so my body is probably pretty depleted. My midwife recommended an iron supplement but it is not making me feel great, so we shall see.
Boy or girl?
We decided, like with SJ to keep the gender of the baby a surprise! I am excited to find out whether we will have a boy or girl at the birth. It was such a special moment when we first met SJ.
I had felt more tempted this pregnancy to find out the gender, mostly so we could tell SJ whether she was going to have a brother or sister. However, I recently realised that she does not quite get the difference between boys and girls so I think as long as she knows that we are having a baby that will join our family, that is all that counts!
How are communicating about the pregnany with our toddler?
Speaking of SJ – I am really trying to involve her in the pregnancy. She often asks to see the baby belly and says good morning to her sibling and gives me kisses on the tummy which is very sweet.
We took her to the second ultrasound last week. I am not sure she knew what she was looking at but I think she is understanding it a little. We also got a few books about having a baby, so I am hoping she won’t be too shocked when her sibling is born.
Honestly, I am sometimes a bit worried how she will take to having a baby around. Whenever I hold someone else’s baby she gets quite jealous and cries. So if anyong has any helpful advice for this transitional phase I would love to hear it!
How am I taking care of myself during pregnancy?
When I was pregnant with SJ I was a lot more focused on being pregnant. I read up a whole lot about what was happening in which week and about birth. Also, I did a lot of baby related crafting – I made a maternity dress for myself, clothes for the baby and a quilt.
Now, I just have a lot less time for all of that. I am trying to stay active as much as possible. I got an ebook by Kaya Renz which includes workouts and recipes specifically for pregnancy. My goal is to do three short workouts (15 – 25 minutes) per week, to cycle and walk as much as possible and to go swimming once per week. So far, some weeks have been more succesful than others. That’s okay!
Otherwhise, I am just trying to allow myself to rest, to take naps and listen to my body.
How do we prepare?
Honestly, I haven’t thought too much past the present moment with this pregnancy. I feel pretty calm and actually rather excited about giving birth again. SJs birth was long but such a wonderful experience. My aim would be to go to the hospital later than I did then, but otherwhise there are no major things I want to do differently.
However, I want to spend a bit more time getting ready for what happens after the birth. With SJ I thought so much about birth that I kind of forgot to read up on looking after a baby. And it was quite a shock to be honest. Ha!
Obviously, I now have some experience, but I still would like to have more of a strategy when it comes to things like sleep. Also, with SJ I basically breastfed her whenever she cried. It felt like I did nothing else for a couple of weeks. Hours and hours of feeding. I don’t want to do that again. Plus, it won’t be possible – I still have to take care of SJ after all! I’d like to get my head around pumping so that we have the option of giving bottles as well.
Otherwise, I’d like to maybe get some proper advice on baby carriers/slings. I didn’t use our carrier much with SJ as I still had a lot of pelvic pain. I think thought that it might have been better for me than constantly holding her on one hip. Additionally it will just be super helpful to have my hands free for life with a toddler.
So much joy
Even though I worry a bit how it will all be with even less time for myself and how SJ will take to having a sibling and how it will work with Edd’s job I am mostly excited.
I keep having these moments where I am with SJ and I look at her and just think “I cannot believe I get to experience this. This love. Seeing her grow up. Being her Mama.” It is just the best. I am sure it will be even better with two kids!
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