6 min read
One of my favourite people on the internet, Jaclyn Salem gave me the idea of documenting some thoughts, life’s events and highlights in a journal format for the blog. So, I thought I’d try and post a weekly journal every Sunday. We will see how consistently I manage to do this, but I really enjoyed jotting down a few lines each day this week.
So, here’s the first edition of my weekly journal!
Sunday // 10 am
SJ has a fever since yesterday morning. It’s really sad, she is not herself at all. The weather has a fever as well! Yesterday we had 38 degrees and today it is predicted for 39. Even though the heat is pretty exhausting, I kind of like this weather. This lazy, sweaty atmosphere is so unique to summer.
The last week was pretty bad in terms of sleep: I only slept between three to five and a half hours each night. Today I am so so tired, I can hardly keep my eyes open.
Monday // 10:05 pm
I renounce anything I said about “kind of liking the heat”. It’s been so so ridiculously hot these last two days. It’s been kind of unbearable. Sadly, SJ has still got a fever. She wasn’t doing great today at all. I will try to get a doctors appointment for her tomorrow.
This morning I went to the dentist and then bought a pair of sandals. I spent the afternoon trying to sort out some baby clothes but didn’t get far at all, as SJ wanted to be on my most of the time. I even put her in the carrier for a bit despite it being sweltering. Hoping that tomorrow both SJ and the weather will cool down!
Tuesday // 11:00 am
I just finished listening to the audiobook version of James Clears “Atomic Habits”. I really enjoyed it. In one of the latter chapters he talks about boredom. People who stick to habits are people who are able to deal with the boredom of repeating an action over and over. When you first get into a new habit, it’s exciting. You see yourself improve. But the quick beginner gains and the newness wear off eventually. And then the question is whether you continue despite that.
This really struck a chord with me. I really dislike boredom. Part of why I am interested in so many different things probably is due to that. Starting a new hobby, learning a new craft, meeting a new friend – I thrive on these experiences. I want to learn to be bored. To love it. To stick with habits, even when I don’t feel like it. I guess it would be interesting to pick one small habit and try to do exactly that. Maybe it should be writing these little journal entries. I shall think about it!
Wednesday // 11:30 pm
We just finished the last episode of Stranger Things – we started last week and I got a bit obsessed. I don’t really know why I like it so much. I normally don’t watch series and I never watch or read any horror. But yes, I love it and I can’t wait for Part 2.
Something very different but something I also really love is our new flat. I say and think – “wow! what a luxury!” multiple times each day. There is our big, high quality dishwasher. The South-facing balcony. The big garden. All those light-flooded rooms. I am so so grateful.
And it feels significant somehow. This is our fifth home since we got married six years ago. Up until now each time we moved it was into a place smaller than the previous one.
I remember moving into our first house, full of dreams, big ideas and ambitions of what our life would look like, how we’d change the world. We were humbled in so many ways, had to re-order priorities and spend some time healing from some very painful events.
Yesterday I thought about Isaiah 54:2. It reads: “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back, lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” This verse feels so literal and fitting right now. Our family has grown and our space is bigger. I am praying that God will also give room for our dreams to grow and for the blessings we want to share to spread wide.
Thursday // 11:10 pm
It was a good day today. I published a blog post, went for a swim, did laundry and this evening we had a catch up with some very dear friends.
In my mind I am still in the world of Stranger Things. Kate Bush‘s “Running up that hill” has been playing on repeat and I chose locker number 11 at the pool. I guess this is why I don’t normally watch shows – I become too obsessed. Ha!
Friday // 10:57 am
I am currently sat on a bus, watching SJ fall asleep in her pram. Sometimes I just feel overwhelmed by how much I love her. I wonder how our relationship will evolve over the years. How will I handle it when she is a teenager and doesn’t want to sit on my lap anymore? It’s hard to imagine.
It’s crazy to think that my baby will one day be grown up. There are all these versions of her that we will still get to know. SJ as a toddler, a pre-schooler, a 10-year old… and one day all grown up and maybe even a mother herself. What a gift.
Saturday // 10:30 pm
Some things I am grateful for this week:
- one night this week I actually slept 7+ hours!
- Celebrating my dad’s birthday
- Johannimarkt
- I haven’t had much time or energy to read recently but finished two audiobooks this week: “Atomic Habits” by James Clear and “Glory Girl” by Jess Connolly
- I made some progress on my second Hope Sock (meaning I am almost on track for my goal of 12 socks – i.e. 6 pairs – for this year)
- On Thursday I published a blog post that I meant to write for a very long time
- We now have light fittings in our flat!
- So much laughter and giggles from SJ today
- Summer + sunshine intermixed with some rainy days
- growing tomatoes
- We had some pretty delicious summer salads this week and one evening created a little Mediterranean buffet which was delicious
- picking fresh herbs from the balcony for dinner
- riding my bike in the sunshine
- playing outside with SJ
I enjoy hear your weekly round up journal style. Blessings.
Thank you! Many blessings to you too!