Weekly Journal

Travelling home, snow and a hospital visit // weekly journal vol. 12

6 min read


We got up at 4:40 am to get ready to go to the airport. Despite the early start the girls were quite chill and everything went smoothly at the airport. Lulu slept for most of the flight and SJ listened to a story and looked out the window. 

My dad picked us up from the airport and we then went to his and my mum’s for a really delicious lunch. We then went home, unpacked, played and did some washing. Lulu sadly got a fever and bad cough and wasn’t very happy at all.

However, it’s so nice to be home again!


It’s the last day of the year. I know that in actuality it’s a day like any other, but I do love New Year’s Eve with all its new beginnings vibes!

Lulu is still rather ill so we cancelled our plans and just stayed home. I spent a lot of time nursing the baby while writing down all my 2024 highlights, which brought me lots of joy.

In the afternoon, my dad and I took Lulu on a walk in her stroller. Afterwards I called my grandma and my uncle to catch up a little bit and then we had some dinner with my parents. After eating my dad surprised SJ with some fireworks. She was equally scared and excited!

Just before 8pm I put the girls to bed and then got into my pyjamas myself. Lulu already woke up again. She still has a fever and coughs a lot and struggles to sleep. I am bracing myself for another sleepless night and have no ambitions to stay up until midnight! I shall greet the New Year in the morning!


Today was a tricky day to be honest. Lulu was still rather unwell, crying lots and only wanted to be held by her Mama. I was extremely tired, both girls had woken up lots during the night and I got very little sleep. We had originally planned to go on a walk with some friends but ended up cancelling. It was the right decision but we were all a bit moody just sitting in the flat.

Edd and SJ did some crafting while Lulu slept on me in the bedroom. Later I folded many baskets of washing and went on another walk with Lulu and my dad. It was good to get outside! I am hoping tomorrow we will all feel better – physically and mentally!


Lulu still had a fever this morning so I took her to the doctors. Her infection markers are higher than they should be so we need to go back tomorrow for another blood test. If she’s not better we will get some antibiotics for her. Even though I don’t suspect that she has anything serious this situation is giving me major flashbacks to when she was so ill in February and we had to stay in hospital for nearly a week. I’m praying that she will be okay!

After the doctors I stopped off at Lidl to get some groceries. We then had a very relaxing afternoon at home. It was raining outside, Edd and SJ did more crafts, I knitted and Lulu napped in my arms. Then, I made Pizzas for dinner. After we finished eating we played hide and seek until it was bedtime for the girls. 

Edd and I then hung out for a bit and watched two episodes of the Chosen.


It had snowed over night! I love waking up to snow! I took L back to the doctors, she had no fever and her blood test came back normal, so we didn’t need antibiotics! I am so glad!

SJ stayed with my brother and his family during Ls appointment. We joined them for some coffee and playtime in the snow before heading home. 

The afternoon was spent playing and doing a bit of housework. We had leftovers for dinner and after putting the girls to bed I went over to my parents’ house. We chatted for a while and then my mum and I sewed together for a bit. 


This morning Ls fever rose to nearly 39 again which makes me a bit worried. A whole week of this seems a bit odd to me.

I cycled into our village to buy rolls and pick up some paints for Edd and SJs paper mache projects. We had a chill morning at home, eating breakfast, crafting and playing. In the afternoon we were invited to my brother’s house together with my parents for Raclette and our family gift exchange. We don’t give each other presents as adults but the kids all got something. The food was delicious and we had a lovely time together.

I walked there together with my dad, nephew and L. It was really cold but I really am enjoying doing more walks. 


Ls fever still hadn’t gone down so this morning I took her to the children’s hospital to get her checked. The doctor ran some tests and it turned out she has a bacterial infection and is now on antibiotics.

I went for a walk with L so she could nap while we waited on some test results. We walked past an ambulance and some paramedics who were re-animating someone in the high street. It was quite a shocking sight. But I had the distinct sense that I should pray. So we rounded the block and again and that is what I did. As a Christian I believe that God directs us. Maybe he wanted me to walk past there so I could pray? Who knows.

At around 2pm we finally were back home. L was sleeping and Edd, SJ and I had some dinner (I tried to recreate an egg and sausage McMuffin. They turned out ok!). We then played and pottered about for the rest of the afternoon.

In the evening we bathed the girls and I put them to bed. And then Edd had to leave for the airport to go to England! After being around each other for the past three weeks and Edd being off work for two of them, this felt extra sad today!

Overall, this week was…

…a mixed bag! A sick baby is just so sad and quite exhausting! All of the plans we had made needed to be cancelled and I got very little sleep.

However, I went on some lovely walks, feel so grateful that Edd was around all week and I really loved blogging each day! I really enjoyed this round of 12 days of Christmas blog challenge! I hope you did too!

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1 Comment

  • Reply Kinjal 7 January 2025 at 10:25 pm

    I really did (enjoy the 12 days of blogmas!) – very sorry to hear Lulu was sick 🙁 it is no fun when they are ill. It snowed today in London – but didn’t settle; hope it’s not too cold in Germany and that everyone is well soon! Wishing you a very happy new year 🙂

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