4 min read
This is the time of year where I always feel so inspired. I have a million ideas for various creative projects and am itching to write and share my reflections and thoughts.
So, I decided to do the same as last year and attempt a little “12 days of blogmas” challenge. Starting today! We will see how successful I will be as we are travelling right now, but we shall see!
I am kicking things off with capturing a bit of what life looks and feels like right now.
Lately, I’ve been…
Eating all the Christmas treats! We’ve had a good collection of Christmas cookies that we got from various places and I rather enjoyed those! Plus, as we’re in the UK right now I am indulging in all my English favourites – Christmas dinner of course, tuna sandwiches, salt and vinegar crisps and sausage rolls!
Drinking various teas from my tea advent calendar and homemade lattes with cinnamon, vanilla or pumpkin spice.
Wearing my brand-new (I received it from Edd today!) Stars Hollow jumper that I am absolutely in love with. Lately I’ve also worn quite a few of my handknits and it makes me so happy!
Reading “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott and it is thoroughly enjoyable!
Listening to my Bible app the Bible recap podcast. I am hoping to make my way through the entire Bible like that next year but more on that soon!
Knitting on various projects. I put my Nellike blanket away for now as it feels like a very summery project. I was almost finished with my Copenhagen cardigan but didn’t like the placement of the pockets so I ripped back half the body… however, I am making good progress! It was too big to pack for our journey so I cast on the Little Tulip jumper for SJ.
Sewing on my Linen Hinterland dress. After a very long sewing break I made a bit of progress last week and it was so enjoyable!
Enjoying the Christmas season. Making an Advent calendar for SJ and reading the nativity to her has been so fun. She gets so excited about the lights and Mary and Joseph and Jesus and of course the chocolate and the presents. It’s been so fun.
So proud of my children. SJ is so clever and funny and I love playing with and talking to her. Lulu is nearly 11 months now and still extremely cute. She is a very happy baby but strong-willed. SJ never really had many temper tantrums but I am sensing that Lulu will be quite different! Ha!
Feeling a little bit anxious about everything that is happening politically. In Germany we have a general election in February and it looks like our parliament will become a lot more conservative and right-wing. I am worried about the implications for refugees, for the climate, for Ukraine and that there won’t be enough investment into education and infrastructure. However, I am praying for a miracle – it would be so great if Robert Habeck became chancellor!
Still loving our electric bike. I take SJ to Kindergarten with it most days. It’s 15 minutes each way, meaning I spent about an hour a day on my bike and I love that I can build exercise into my day so easily.
Grateful for my life. I love my little family so much and we are so happy. We finally found a church this year and I get so excited for Sundays when we get to go to the service and see everyone. And I feel so lucky to have books and yarn and ideas. Life is good!
Hoping for more sleep over the next few nights (as always!) and that my children will be entertained by family and friends so that I have my hands free to knit!
Excited about eating another Christmas dinner tomorrow and this little blogging challenge.
This post is day 1 of my 12 days of blogmas challenge. Read more here.
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