
family time, a bad day + lots of rain // weekly journal vol. 9

6 min read

Wednesday 19:21

I spontaneously decided to extend my social media break. Originally I had planned to re-install Instagram on Monday but then I just forgot! I also was a bit too tired to write anything comprehensive for the blog. So, another week away from the online world! For the most part at least!

It’s been a good week so far. SJ nursery opened again after a week away. It was nice to be back to some more routine but I have definitely noticed how tired she is on days where she is in nursery.

On Monday morning, Edd, L and I visited some friends who had a baby three weeks ago and it was super nice to see them. I had lunch with my mum and then spent the afternoon playing at home with SJ.

Yesterday morning my mum and I went shopping – I got a dress for Edd‘s PhD graduation and a new pair of trousers. In the afternoon we had some friends over for a playdate and had a lovely time.

This morning one of my oldest friends came by to hang out. We’re reading a book together right now and met for the first time today to discuss. We had a really good time catching up, debating, playing with our babies and eating together.

Today it was pretty much raining all day. Originally me and a friend wanted to take our kids to the playground but instead we met at ours for a bit of time together.

Now both kids are asleep and I am ready to join them. I am so tired! But I think I will do a bit of knitting before getting into my pyjamas.

Thursday 20:32

Ugh. I feel a bit low and anxious right now. In the last few days I have been in a bit of a funk anyway. Edd and I have a number of decisions to make on various things. Which is something I struggle with. And right now it feels overwhelming.

However, it has been a good day! And there is lots to be thankful for. So, let’s recount some of today‘s blessings:

⁃ Today was a bank holiday and Edd and SJ were both home all day which I enjoyed very much.

⁃ We had a chill morning at home, making french toast, giving baths to both girls and playing.

⁃ Some good friends invited us over for a delicious lunch and we had such a nice time and felt so loved.

⁃ From their house we went to a volunteer-run Café my mum is a part of and where my dad performed some acoustic guitar pieces at today. We enjoyed the music and lots of cake!

We have such a good life. There are some things that are hard but the positive outweighs the bad by so much. Why do the small bad things sometimes take so much space in our thoughts and emotions?

Sunday 19:47

We had a lovely weekend. On Friday, SJ decided she wanted to stay home from nursery and we had a relaxed morning playing at home. In the afternoon my sister in law picked her up for an afternoon at their house, baking pizza and hanging out with the cousins.

Edd and I did some tidying around the flat and then just chilled on the sofa and chatted. It was lovely.

On Saturday we ran some errands and went to a playground in a neighbouring village to mix things up a little. Surprisingly it didn’t rain the whole time! The weather has been extremely wet lately and pretty cold for this time of year too. As a hayfever sufferer this had advantages for me, but I am ready for some sunshine!

In the afternoon my nephews and brother popped over which was so nice.

This morning, we visited a church in Switzerland. In the afternoon we hang out at my parents house together with my brother and nephews. Lots of family time this weekend which filled my heart!

Edd just left for the airport to fly to England for the week. I always feel a bit sad when he leaves – the normal Sunday night blues plus the prospect of not being able to hang out with him. However, my friend Holly is coming on Friday and I absolutely cannot wait to see her!

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