Image of feet, wearing yellow converse. Overlay text reads: "Agreeing with your feet"

Day 3: Agreeing with your feet

3 min read

If you have read my blog this last week, you know that I am currently participating in #the100DayProject. Over the next 100 days I want to publish a devotional or some encouraging ideas or thoughts on walking with Jesus every day (except for Saturdays). I am calling it: 100 Days of writing about Jesus. You can read the previous posts here. Today’s topic: agreeing with your feet or why it is sometimes necessary to dance before you feel like dancing.

Rejoice always.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16

These last two weeks social isolation has started to really get to me. As mentioned on Tuesday, spending each and every day in our home, with all of our upcoming trips and plans cancelled has left me in a bit of a pit. 

One morning last week I was feeling particularly low. So I sat down and prayed for fresh joy.

My devotional reading for that day was entitled ‘Dancing’. The application at the end was to get up and dance. Honestly, it made me cringe a little. I shut the book and put it to one side to get down to my “serious Bible reading”. 

Don’t build on sand

I grabbed my Bible but something made me pause. The previous Sunday we had talked about the parable of the two men who built houses. The first one built on sand. His house collapsed in the first storm. The second guy was smarter and built his house on the rock. Because he put in firm foundations the house withheld the storm. Jesus explains that the man who builds his house on the sand is like a person who hears God’s word but doesn’t change their ways.

If I want firm foundations that will give me good footing in life, I need to not only hear God’s word but apply it.

I let out a big sigh and put in my earpods in. (Blasting worship music at 6am in the morning is probably not what is meant by loving one’s neighbour). And then I just danced. I got really silly and out of breath and five minute later I felt so much better.

In order to feel joy, I had to choose to rejoice.

Friends, even if we don’t feel like it, even when things are tough and worrying and we are grieving and hurting: we have a reason to dance. There is something about showing with our bodies that we agree with the truths that we hold in our heads and hearts. 

I have been set free, I have access to God’s abundance and I am called to rejoice.

So, today I want to leave you with a little challenge: dance. Agree with your feet that you are free, forgiven, forever safe.

(If you need a good playlist to dance to, I can recommend this one.)

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  • Reply arricahess 9 April 2020 at 2:51 pm

    Rejoice in the Lord always!! I love this. His sacrifice and forgiveness gives us that crazy, unspeakable joy and hope!!

    • Reply Britta 9 April 2020 at 2:52 pm

      It does indeed! 😊🙌🏽

  • Reply Brynn 9 April 2020 at 3:10 pm

    I love it. My word of the year was Delight. I confess I have not been delighting. This was a great reminder to just enjoy life. P.S. My favorite gospel song to dance to is Old Church Choir by Zach Williams. You can’t help but get up and dance!

    • Reply Britta 9 April 2020 at 6:39 pm

      Wow what a great word, especially during this season. Oh I must check out that song!

  • Reply Carrie Ann Tripp 10 April 2020 at 12:08 am

    “In order to feel joy, I had to choose to rejoice.” So often we forget that we have a choice. Once we recognize that we have to choose, things become so much clearer.

    • Reply Britta 10 April 2020 at 8:53 am

      Yes, it’s not always easy but such an important truth to know.

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