Picture of daffodils. Overlay text reads: "100 Days of writing about Jesus. Day 1: Stepping out of the boat"

100 Days of writing about Jesus – #the100dayproject

6 min read

Hi friends. I don’t know if you have heard about the 100 Day Project before. The idea behind it is pretty simple: For 100 days you do a creative act. After 100 days you probably have stretched a lot of muscles and grown in your craft. You can read more about the project on the official 100 day project website.

I have tried doing this project before. I had seen a lot of creatives that I follow online participate and it looked so fun! However, I failed. I didn’t complete the 100 days. I then was hesitant to try again.

Progress over perfection

Now I think, of course it would be cool to do something for 100 days, but if you shoot for 100 and end up with 25 – that is still so much more creative work than not having signed up in the first place. 

Long story short: I am attempting to write a devotional every day for the next 100 days. 

Well not quite. 

Edd and I have started practicing Sabbath, i.e. taking a day of complete rest each week, where we stop from all our work and all our striving. For me, part of this day is to unplug: I switch off my phone, I don’t check E-Mail or social media. Hence, I won’t write or publish anything on our Sabbath (which we usually practice on Saturdays). 

So my project is to write 86 (more or less!) devotionals over the next 100 days. 

I am hoping to share some on my blog, some on instagram and maybe I even try and record some audio snippets or videos talking to you. 

What do I mean by devotional?

According to google, the general purpose of a devotional is to encourage spiritual growth. I am hoping to put out some ideas and thoughts that will encourage you who read them but also me, as I am writing them. 

I might share an interesting thought that I heard in a sermon, something that jumped out to me in my Bible study or even a little poem.

What if I run out of things to say?

As I have been thinking about embarking on this, I have been worried that I might run out of ideas. But yesterday I was reminded of the line in the Lord’s prayer: “Give us today our daily bread.” I am trusting that the Holy Spirit will supply me with ideas and impulses to share each day. I might not have 100 ideas now (not even 86) but I am praying that each day God will give me new thoughts and ideas to share.

And I am praying that these thoughts encourage and uplift you. If there are any topics or Bible passages that you would like to discuss – do let me know. I am doing this because I want to grow in communicating my faith, but I am also doing this to serve YOU. So please let me know how I can best do that! 

100 Days of writing about Jesus Day #1

So let us dive into Day 1. I don’t know how you are doing in this whole Corona season, but for me, most days are a bit like a rollercoaster. One moment I feel grateful for the added freedom of working from home and the time saved by not having to commute. The next moment I go crazy over the fact that I haven’t spoken to anyone (other than Edd of course) face to face for too long. I am confronted with waves of fear and often feel very low, without any energy or joy.

Honestly, I am starting this project in a bit of a pit. I struggle with lack of variety in my days and weeks. All of the things I have been looking forward to (like visiting my family or going to my friends wedding) have been cancelled. Work is quite busy, which I am honestly grateful for but it is also very tiring.

So why start a project that requires time and energy in the midst of the season where both are quite rare? Good question. (I have been wondering that myself).

I want to be where Jesus is

You have probably heard of the story of Peter walking on water. You can read it in Matthew 14:22-33. I sometimes wondered – why was Peter so keen to walk on the water? He was in a boat that was safe and dry and all of the other disciples were there. There was no need for him to walk on water.

I think the answer is: he wanted to be where Jesus is. 

I am not saying that posting ideas to the internet is the same as walking on water. But embarking on this challenge feels a bit like stepping out of the safety of my boat.

Normally we are quite good at doing the things we have to do. The things that are necessary. We have enough faith for those. 

Why would God help me write these devotionals? There is no need for me to write them. No one is asking me to. 

Staying in the boat would be safer. The potential to fail is smaller and way less public.

But I want to be where Jesus is. I believe that my love for words and for the Bible are given to me by God. And I believe that I am called to be a blessing. So here I am, stepping out of the boat. 

Step out of the boat with me

Do you feel like Jesus is inviting you to step out of the boat in any areas in your life? 

Maybe you don’t call yourself a follower of Jesus yet and stepping out of the boat looks like tuning in to an online church service this Sunday or picking up a Bible and reading through the gospels. 

Stepping out of the boat might look like making contact with your neighbours and going shopping for them or leaving cupcakes on their doorstep.

It might involve giving money to charity in the midst of economic downturn.

Maybe it looks like having an honest conversation with someone. It might be asking for forgiveness.  

Whatever a step of faith might look like for you today, let me encourage you with this. When Peter stepped out of the boat, the water did carry him. And it must have been exhilarating

But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out: “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.  – Matthew 14:30-31

You might make a mess of it. But Jesus is right there to catch you.

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