14 min read
I decided to pick a word for the new year. A word that is like a guide through the year, something to live with, to learn from. Ali Edwards, a blogger and scrapbooking genius came up with this concept. Rather than listing some vague new years resolutions, you choose one word for the year, one area to work on. The word I chose for 2018 is FOCUS.
One of my strengths is that I am excitable and enthusiastic and that I have many interests and ideas. The flip side of that strength is that I also easily lose concentration and get distracted and side-tracked. I want to get better at sticking with things and seeing things through until the end and really knowing what is important to me. That is why I chose the word FOCUS. Below are some big and small ways in which I want to bring more focus into my life.
In 2018 I want to focus on what matters most.
On a personal level, my husband and I want to get better at making time for each other. When we’re together to really focus on the other person rather than to be distracted. I resolved to switch off my phone when I am meeting a friend. I want to be fully there in each experience, each memory that I am making. I want to make time to pray and read my Bible. To exercise, to write. and to make things. And to spend time with people, to show them that I care and that they are important to me.
In 2018 I want to focus on a few things rather than on many.
I want to be more intentional and think twice before diving into something new. My blog relaunch served exactly this purpose: a defined mission statement will help me to decide what topics to pursue and what I want to learn and write about.
In other areas of my life, this is more difficult because my life is so varied. I work, study, blog, have a family and am involved in church. There is not a lot of time for much else, hence why I need to decide what the things are I want to focus on. What are my priorities? What are things I need to say no to?
In 2018 I want to stop multitasking and finish what I start.
On a day-to-day basis, I want to practice the one-touch rule: recycle post that comes through the door, answer emails and texts when I open them and put things back when I have finished using them. I am giving myself a rule to not start a new book if I still haven’t finished another one and I won’t start a new project if another is still on the go. It is so satisfying to finish something and it gives so much momentum for my next venture. If I am always doing 10 things at once, the motivation I gain from completing a project is not experienced very often.
Why is this important to me?
At the verge of new year I am always amazed at how quickly time goes by. It is so precious. And I only have one today. I only have one chance at experiencing 2018. I want to use it well. To have fun, of course. Also to grow, to love more, to serve, to be a blessing, to be joyful.
What is your focus for the new year? Let me know in the comments below!
Hi Britta! I just stumbled upon your blog searching if anyone else’s word for 2018 might be focus as well..I was just going to blog about it too and it was like reading my own blog post! Crazy. I’m an idea person and want to focus on all the same things!
Also, you aren’t perhaps the same Britta I just watched on A video on BBM 7.0?
Sorry, nevermind bout the last bit. I can see now it wasn’t you. It was just funny I just finished watching a video with a girl named Britta.
Haha that is funny 🙂
And so crazy but also amazing that you can relate so much! Would love to visit your blog and read about your ideas 🙂
Let me know what your blog is!
Lots of love,