5 min read
Today Edd and I are celebrating our 8-year wedding anniversary. We met each other in 2011 and became a couple in 2014, so we’ve been together for 10 years now. Almost a third of my life!
The first years of our life as a married couple were hard. I have written about some of our struggles and how we managed to stay together despite some very big storms here. Since then we have come a very long way. I would even go as far as saying we’re the happiest we have ever been. Sure, we still have areas to work on, get annoyed at each other over little and big things and disagree. But it’s been such a good year together.
Two things that have made this last year so great
When I was thinking about this post I was racking my brain for a third, because “Three tools that have transformed our marriage” makes for such a catchy title. However, there are only two things that have been real game changers for us this year. They are nothing specatcular, but sometimes small things can have big impacts.
Playing “Dorfromantik – the Board Game”
Yes, we’re clearly getting old… But hear me out.
Edd and I are very different. He is much more in touch with his emotions, I look at life from a more analytical perspective. Edd likes video games, I like walks in the woods. He enjoys loud heavy metal I prefer listening to Folk music or even better – nothing at all. He is an introvert with a love for nights at home, I am an ambivert with a love for big parties.
We sometimes struggle finding fun things to do that we equally enjoy. A few months ago Edd bought the board game “Dorfromantik” and we have become a bit obsessed with it. It’s a cooperative game, so you are working together to win. It has been really fun.
Right now, we have basically played the game all the way through and are on the lookout for a similar experience. So if you have played any good coop games, do let us know!
Listening to the “One extraordinary marriage” podcast
I heard about the “One extraordinary marriage” podcast a good number of years ago and had it sitting in my podcast queue for a very long time. Last summer I finally listened to a few of the episodes and have been a big fan ever since.
Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo talk honestly about the everyday life as a married couple, they are very open and candid about sex and look at marriage from a very holistic view-point.
Edd and I have found that the podcast often was a very good conversation starter about various topics for us. Plus, it is not to be underestimated to regularly hear people talk positively about marriage. Very often people complain about family life or their partners and our culture glorifies being independent and free. The podcast speaks life and hope into marriages without looking at them through rose-tinted glasses. Super refreshing.
Just in case you were picturing that Edd and I listen to this podcast together holding hands on the couch – this is not the case. Edd listens on his drives when he is in the UK and I tune in while doing housework or knitting and we catch up about anything that stuck with us whenever we hang out.
Tony and Alisa are Christians, but their faith is not a dominant part of their conversations. You could probably listen to quite a few episodes without them mentioning God or church, so even if you are a bit ciritcal of Christian beliefs, I think you can still get a lot out of the podcast.
Let’s keep going
I am excited for this next year of marriage, many more board games, shared memories, laughter and growth. Happy anniversary to us!
If you are in a place in your marraige where things are hard – we have been there. I am not a coach or counsellor but if you need a friendly ear and some encouragement, I’d love to support you.

Thank you for the Dorf Romantik recommendation, I had played the computer game but not the board game!
I discovered this today and ran to this post to tell you immediately 😂:
There’s another version of the board game! Granted, not co-op play but I think still very friendly? Let me know what you think if you decide to get it 🙂
Ah you are welcome!
And oh yes, we should definitely get it – I shall keep you posted on how we like it 😀