Personal life

3 years today!

3 min read

Our girl SJ (or Sasa, as she likes to call herself now) is turning 3 today!

Three years ago today, we were in hospital, I was holding my just born precious daughter and was absolutely overwhelmed with joy. I remember texting my mum “this is the best day of my life!”

Of course, the days that followed weren’t all easy but I was completely taken off guard by the happiness SJ brought to my life.

Watching her grow up, sharing all her big moments and getting to know her in each stage of her life has been the most wonderful experience.

And now she’s three!

Last year I documented a few of the things SJ was learning and loving at a particular moment in time and I thought her birthday would be a good moment to continue that series.

Right now, SJ is obsessed with Peppa Pig. She is allowed to watch a few episodes on the weekends and listens to Peppa Pig stories most days. For her birthday she got a bunch of Peppa Pig related presents and they were a big hit!

SJ really loves her baby sister. When “Lulu” and I pick up “Sasa” from nursery she is so excited to see her sister, proudly shows her around and wants to hold her. She is very protective over Lulu, reminding people that they need to be careful, because Lulu is only a Baby! Sharing her toys is difficult sometimes, but more and more she picks out stuffed animals and other things and gifts them to her sister. She is also the best at making Lulu laugh!

Tomorrow SJ has her last day at nursery. She had the best time there, making friends, playing with the other children, singing, going on excursions to the woods, the library and the farmer’s market and learning so much.

SJ is interested in lots of things. She loves being outside, playing ball, going on the swing, swimming, reading books, doing puzzles, listening to music, drawing, doing crafts, meeting up with friends, going on the bus, baking… I love that she gets excited over so many different things.

We’re always impressed with SJs intelligence and how well she speaks – both in English and German. She has a huge vocabulary and has become quite good at negotiating. She can communicate quite well what she wants and if she is upset. Sometimes she says “I am sad with my friend, because we couldn’t hang out longer”, which I think is just so sweet.

Seeing that she now is a “threenager” she can be quite moody sometimes and from time to time she is shy. However, she hardly ever throws tantrums and is mostly a very friendly, happy toddler.

As parents we often talk about how much we love our children, but I often marvel at how much our children love us. SJ is the biggest fan I ever had, if it was up to her, we would spend every waking (and sleeping) minute together. She loves doing things with me, likes to help me with chores and always wants to come wherever I go. This week we got matching sandals and she was so excited!

There is so much more I could say about our wonderful girl, but I need to go and hang up the washing now. Ha! We love SJ more than words can say and are so humbled and grateful that God chose us to be her parents.

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