3 min read
On Wednesday my mum and I picked SJ up early from nursery to go on a little adventure! A good friend of ours is currently looking after a mini-farm in the Black Forest and we went to visit her.

We drove for a bit over an hour. SJ took her afternoon nap in the car, so that was pretty easy. When we arrived we first enjoyed the beautiful views! After having some tea, coffee, bread and cake, we headed outside.
Making friends with the chickens
There we were immediately greeted by the chickens. I had never petted a chicken before. It was so fun to see how much they liked being around humans. At first, SJ was a bit scared but when we started to feed them she got a bit bolder. She loved watching them peck food of a spoon and hunt after little pieces of cheese.

Next we saw the goats. SJ tried to feed them with bushels of grass and laughed her head off every time the goat stuck her head out of the fence. She kept calling them “horsey”, and even got to go inside their enclosure to feed them some more.

The highlight was visiting the bunnies! I am not sure how much they enjoyed it, but SJ had a great time inside their stable.

Finally, we watched the ducks waddle through the garden and SJ got to “walk the dog” a little bit. She had a great time!

What a fun little adventure! I love animals myself but seeing SJs wonder and excitement over them makes visiting them even better.
This is Day 17 of my 100 Day Project. You can learn more about my 100 day project by reading this post. If you want to do your own 100 day Project, I would recommend checking out the 100 Day Project website.
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