
Project “Read Your Shelf”

3 min read

One of my goals in life is to have an environmentally sustainable lifestyle. I often find this difficult but try to remind myself that each bit of waste and emissions I avoid is a win.

My main principles in my sustainability journey are to use less and to use what I have.

I have a lot of books

If you have read my blog before you might have picked up on the fact that I love to read. (If you missed it, yesterday I shared my favourite books of 2024.) As a bookworm I also love to buy books. And often I get given books as presents. Or if I pass one of these public shelves where you can bring and take books I often go away with a slightly heavier bag.

On top of physical books I have a growing digital library of audio and e-books.

A few weeks ago I went through all of my shelves and compiled every title of every book that I haven’t read yet, including all digital files plus anything I had saved on Everand.

I came up with a list of over 140 books! So much for my attempts at minimalism…

Let’s read!

So, I have decided to turn this audit of my shelves into a project: Read your shelf.

My reading goal for 2025 is to read 50 books. I am part of a book club with which I read about 8-12 books a year. Then I often get a couple of books from the library plus birthday gifts or friends lending me titles… meaning there will be around 30 slots left. I intend to fill those with books from my shelves!

My book spread sheet

Something I love almost as much as books are spreadsheets. (Insert nerd emoji here…!) So, in order to keep track of all my books I created a spreadsheet. And you guys, it’s actually so helpful. I experience occasional reading slumps and nine times out of ten they are due to not knowing what to read next.

Now I can open up my spreadsheet and filter depending on what genre I am in the mood for, whether I want an audio, physical or electronic book and sort the titles by number of pages or listening time.

I mean, that’s pretty cool right?

Care to join me?

I assume that if you are a book lover you have some unread books in your possession too! Do you want to join me and read your shelf? You don’t need a spreadsheet for it, I promise! Just a list of titles you want to tackle during the next months or year(s).

If you like you can share your progress on Instagram using the hashtag #readyourshelf2025.

I am excited for a good reading year!

This post is day 3 of my 12 days of blogmas challenge. Read more here.

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