9 min read
Right now, I am documenting a whole week in my life. This is a community challenge hosted by Ali Edward’s. You should check out her website to learn more about the project.
Tuesday, 25th April 2023
Tuesday was a long day! Mainly due to the fact that it started rather early. SJ decided she was finished with sleep at 05:30 am! I wasn’t too impressed but dragged myself out of bed. We made coffee and got ready.
When Edd woke up, SJ took some books into our bedroom and they read while I emptied the dishwasher. I also cleaned out some filters and then put on a programme to disinfect the machine. This took about five minutes, but made me feel very accomplished. Ha!
Around 7:30 am Edd took SJ to nursery. I went to the basement and garden to hang up and take down some washing.
8:15 // workout + stretch
Then I headed back upstairs and did some physio exercises and followed along a stretching routine on YouTube. I am trying to prioritise moving my body more these days. It always makes me feel good!
9:00 // Bible study
I then sat down to do the next section of my Bible Study. I am still very much enjoying the Daily Grace Co. book that I am working through.
9:15 // breakfast
Afterwards I poured my third cup of coffee and made myself some breakfast. My current favourite is porridge with coconut yogurt and mango. I added some hemp hearts and chia seeds to the porridge which was really nice.
While eating I watched the beginning of Celest Rayanne latest YouTube video. I don’t really watch vlogs (or anything for that matter) but lately I have been really enjoying her content.
10:00 // Admin + creative play
I then packaged my AirPods to send them off for repair. After printing and sticking on all the labels I got out some toy animals I recently bought on ebay.
I took photos of them to turn into memory cards. We will see how they‘ll turn out!
Then I sat down on my sewing machine in order to figure out the button hole for my skirt. To make a long story short: all my practice button holes turned out beautiful. The two attempts on my skirt were absolute disasters. I was very frustrated!
My mother is my go to person for any trouble shooting needs (in sewing and in life) so I went by her house. She was about to leave but my parents gave me some chocolate which was the next best thing I guess! Haha.
12:45 // Lunch
I then headed back home and made a quick lunch: Vietnamese chicken soup and toast.
13:30 // Walk + nursery pick-up
The weather was lovely so I decided to walk to SJs nursery to pick her up. I listened to a podcast by The Risen Motherhood and just really really enjoyed the sunshine, the pretty shadows and all the blooms.
14:15 Errands with SJ
After picking up SJ her and I headed to DM which is a drug store here in Germany. At nursery I was warned that SJ hadn’t napped very well. In the shop she wanted to come out of her buggy which was fair enough.
At first it was fine, she tried on sunglasses and walked holding my hand. However, in the queue for the till she grew restless. After her second time running off, I strapped her back into her pram and she absolutely lost it. She can scream very loud!
Luckily, she always calms down quite quickly and we were able to go to the post office without any problems or major excitement.
14:45 // Walk home
Then, she pretty much walked the entire way home. It’s a good kilometre (around 3/4 of a mile) which I think is pretty far for a one and a half year old. Needless to say, it took a long time, as many leaves needed to be examined and there were many puddles to jump in. But I had no plans so I was happy to go with her pace.
If you ever feel like you need to slow down in life, just go for a walk with a toddler and say hello to ever person and dog, balance on each wall and stop multiple times for snacks. Haha.
15:45 // visiting Oma
We then went to see my mum. Originally, I had hoped we could sew a bit whilst SJ played but she was still quite moody and needed a lot of attention. So, we drank some coffee, played, looked at books and I helped my mum with some computer stuff.
17:30 // Cooking, dinner + bedtime
At home, Edd had already started making dinner. I needed a bit of a break from the toddler entertainment programme, so he took over and I finished cooking.
Whilst cutting beans, I started listening to the first episode of The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling. Megan Phelps-Roper, who is a bit of a household hero for us hosts the show.
(In case you didn’t know, Edd wrote his PhD thesis on New Religious Movements. We watch a lot of documentaries on cults, and anything about Westboro Baptist Church enjoys particular interest).
After dinner, I did a quick kitchen tidy and then we got SJ ready for bed. She fell asleep before 8pm which is a bit unheard of these days!
20:00 // Sewing (and despairing a little)
Then, I admired the sunset for a bit before trying to tackle my skirt’s button hole one more time.
It went wring again and I ended up making one by hand. Which is more difficult than I had thought. It doesn’t look very pretty but it works. And the button is very nice and conceals most of my wanky stitching.
I continued to listen to some more of the podcast about J.K. Rowling. It is super interesting. I am two episodes in now and actually cannot wait to listen some more. Would highly recommend, no matter what your opinion might be on her.
Around 10:30 pm I headed to bed and was asleep within minutes!
This is Day 64 of my 100 Day Project. You can learn more about my 100 day project by reading this post. If you want to do your own 100 day Project, I would recommend checking out the 100 Day Project website.
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