Memory Keeping

Saturday photos + words // a week in my life 2023

5 min read

It is the weekend! And day 3 of documenting a week in the life. You can read about my Thursday here and what we got up to on Friday here.

To be honest, since becoming a parent, weekends don’t feel quite the same. We don’t go to the pub and we don’t get to lie in. There is just less routine than on a weekday. Which some people possibly appreciate. However, I feel much happier when there is a level of rhythm and structure to the day.

The morning

But I do want weekends to be fun and special for us as a family. One thing we do to that end is that every Saturday morning we make French toast.

7:15 am // breakfast

So, after being woken up by SJ quite a while before 7 am, we dragged ourselves out of bed and I cooked some eggy bread.

Edd wasn’t hungry yet, so he got ready for the day whilst SJ and I ate breakfast.

9 am // housework + playing

After we finished eating, I tidied up around the flat. SJ played with a blanket for ages. I sorted the washing and carried SJ in the washing basket through the flat. Then, Edd sorted the recycling, I hoovered and SJ „helped“. Then we played with her duplo zoo which is one of her favourite toys right now.

10 am // Bible + rest

Edd then took SJ to Baby gymnastics. I made myself a coffee and had a bit of a break. I journaled, prayed, played a song on my guitar and read my Bible study.

Afterwards I started making potato salad for a BBQ we were hosting later in the day.

12 pm // lunch + naptime

After coming home from Baby Gym, SJ had some lunch and then I put her down for her nap while Edd was mowing the lawn in the garden and setting up the BBQ.

Once SJ was asleep I finished some preparations and then laid in bed with my book. I am super tired at the moment so it was nice to have quite a relaxing day.

3 pm // garden, BBQ + friends

After SJs nap we headed outside. SJ climbed over the wall to see her grandparents next door for a bit, I picked some flowers and Edd made a fire.

A bit later our friends arrived. The kids played in the sandpit and we chatted. We ate sausages and salads and it was lovely, despite the weather being a bit unstable. It got a bit chilly after a while, so we headed indoors for some tea, chocolate and playtime.

7:30 pm // wind down

After our friends left Edd tidied and I put SJ to bed. I tried to blog but was too tired so we opted for an early night.

What a lovely day!

This is Day 61 of my 100 Day Project. You can learn more about my 100 day project by reading this post. If you want to do your own 100 day Project, I would recommend checking out the 100 Day Project website.

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