3 min read
It’s a slow first day of the year in our house. Edd and SJ are doing some crafts while I am in the bedroom with Lulu. She’s rather ill and quite sad and will only stay asleep being held.
So, I am trying to use this time of quiet to pray for the year ahead.
I thought I’d share some of my prayers here so you can join me perhaps and that I will be able to look back at the end of the year and see what God has done.
Prayers for peace
Jesus, you are the Prince of Peace. The God of justice. You can change hearts and work miracles.
I want to pray for all the people in Gaza. Protect them, deliver them, grant them peace. I pray for Israel and Palestine and Iran and Lebanon. Lord, give the people in power humility and wisdom. Help them to find agreements without further bloodshed. Stop those whose only aim is destruction.
I pray for Ukraine. Stop the war against this nation. Give courage to the leaders of Europe to stand up against injustice and tyranny.
There are many conflicts that I am unaware of but you know all things. Please deliver your people from waging wars against each other.
Prayers for elections + politics
I am worried about the election results in the US and I fear for what might happen when Germany votes in new leaders in February.
God, have mercy on us. Help us and our governments to take efficient action against the climate crisis. Please give us a government that will support peace and a more equal distribution of goods and opportunities.
Father, put an end to racism and the oppression of women. You call your people to welcome the stranger and look after the poor. Let your church rise up to be the hands and feet and voice of positive change.
Personal prayers
Heavenly Father, you are so good to me. I have so much to be grateful for. I look at my life and see so many answered prayers.
Thank you for this new year. I want to ask you that this will be a year where, as a family, we become more aware of your presence. Help us grow in the knowledge of you. May we trust you in all things and give you glory in all circumstances.
I pray for my girls, for their protection. May their friendship and love for one another continue to grow. Let them find good friends at nursery, kindergarten and at church. Help us to parent them well, so that they might grow up to be kind and compassionate.
You are our provider. Help me find a job where I can do meaningful work that interests me. Give us a home with enough space for our family and where we can be generous hosts.
I want to see more of you this year, be in awe of your creation and grow in your word. Help me to use my gifts for your glory and to share your love and grace with others.
May your kingdom come, in our home, our community, this nation and the world. Amen.
This post is day 8 of my 12 days of blogmas challenge. Read more here.
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