4 min read
The subject line to my January newsletter this year was something like “We made it! We got through 2020!” Which you know, is true. We survived an incredibly hard year. However, I was a bit mistaken in thinking that a new calendar and a freshly rolled out vaccine meant that there was a big light at the end of the tunnel and that we were basically through the tunnel. It turns out, the tunnel is very long and life is nowhere near back to normal as of yet. And I’ve been finding it quite difficult to be honest.
Not long before Corona Edd and I moved to Berlin. It has been hard to make a home in this place whilst we were pretty much confined to our own four walls most of the time. I am incredibly grateful for all the people we still got to meet and the memories we made here. But still, it has been lonely.
We made a big decision
And now, we have a little baby on the way! The fact that our family was growing, this situation in which Berlin did not really feel like home yet plus some other factors led us to the decision to leave this crazy and beautiful city and move closer to my family.
Sad and excited
I am excited and sad. Sad that we didn’t get a chance to do so many of the things we had dreamed of doing here. Sad that we can’t throw a big (or even little!) farewell party. Sad to leave behind some really great people. Once again!
But I am so excited to be close to my family. It has been 10 years of being many hours and kilometers removed and I have missed them so much. I cannot wait to just be able to go and meet my mum for a coffee or go for a little cycle ride with my dad in the evening. I am also excited to reconnect with many old friends. For warmer weather. And less crowded grocery shops!
After all, I do strongly believe that God is sovereign in all things. It was always our intention to move down to the South of Germany eventually. We didn’t foresee it would happen so quickly, but for so many reasons we have come to the decision that now is the right time.
A farewell gift to myself: a week in the life
In the last 10 years I have moved 10 times (this will be move number 11) so in many ways I am well accustomed to saying goodbye. But it is always hard. Hence why my word for the year has become even more important to me. In order to find JOY in the midst of this chaotic and confusing time, I decided to give a little farewell gift to myself and embark on (another!) creative project…
As you might know, I am passionate about documenting the here and now. (Have a look at my project life album here!) To remember what life looks and feels like in this moment. So I have decided to join in with Ali Edward’s A Week In The Life next week. I want to document a bit of our life here in Berlin. What it feels like to expect our first baby. And preserve my thoughts on living through this crazy time in history.
Ordinary, mundane life
I am not sure how exciting this week will be. I am currently spending a lot of time in bed or on the sofa, as I am not very well and signed off sick from work. But I guess, in 10 years I will still appreciate reading about my thoughts, what I was happy or anxious about and what we ate for dinner.
So, you can drop by here every day next week and expect a little glimpse of what a week in our life, right here, right now, looks like.
Also, if you would like to document a week in your life – you can still join! There is no need to have a blog for this, just get a notebook, some pens and grab your phone camera and start documenting. You can read more about the challenge over on Ali Edwards blog.

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