Life Lately

Life Lately – January 2025

5 min read

There is something about January that makes it feel like it is going on forever. Maybe the return to normal everyday life after so many festivities and days off in December. Or the grey, uninspiring weather… who knows! I

Probably an unpopular opinion but I quite like January. Rhythms and routines are my thing, I like the feeling of having the whole year still ahead and the planning vibes!

This January was a mixed bag with snotty noses all around, teething and many sleepless nights. But I have also felt really inspired and full of ideas for crafts and grateful for our life.

Here’s a little snapshot of life right now!

Lately, I’ve been…

Obsessed with the Traitors! Edd and I just watched the finale on the weekend and have been in Traitor land for the last few weeks. What a great show! British TV is just so good.

Reading “I haven’t been entirely honest with you” by Miranda Hart. I listened to the audio version which was read by her and hence amazing. The book is full of wisdom and information about holistic health. It’s written so accessible and kind, the book felt like a hug. I am also still reading “Little Women” which is lovely but not overly gripping.

Nostalgic about the fact that our little Lulu turns one year old this week!

Watching the Traitors and Miranda. Such fun!

Sewing a lot more lately! I finished my Hinterland dress, made a skirt for SJs doll and started playing around with free motion quilting.

Knitting on my Copenhagen Cardigan (I know! Still!!) and a little tulip jumper for SJ.

Delighted by the fact that books are some of my kids go-to toys.

Enjoying child-free pockets of time. I am still breastfeeding but now that L eats a lot more I have been able to leave her with Edd or my mum for a morning or an evening. I love spending my days with my girls but it’s so good to sometimes just be me and not worry about parenting 24/7.

Behind on laundry and housework. I need to get on it before we all run out of socks!

Listening to lots of audiobooks. Which means all my favourite podcasts get neglected. There just isn’t enough time in the day!

Planning the 100 Day Project which starts on 23rd of February. I am struggling to make a decision… (you can read more about my thoughts here. Please leave a comment with your input, too!)

Feeling inspired. I am full of ideas for crafty projects and blog posts!

Looking forward to spring! We’ve had some slightly warmer weather this week and I feel so ready for winter to end! Life will be so much easier when I don’t have to bundle up the girls and myself in multiple layers each time we want to leave the house!

Hoping for a breather. Life has felt a bit hectic lately (I am not even sure why.) I have so many things on my to do list and so many people I want to see and projects I am hoping to embark on. But there never seems to be enough time or energy. I wonder if there is ever a point where I look around our home and just feel calm rather than overwhelmed by all the things I need to do?

Learning to trust God again and again. We’re facing a bit of uncertainty in some areas of our life and it’s a bit unsettling. However, we have been here before and it turned out okay every single time. We’ll be ok. One step at a time!

Lately, SJ…

makes me laugh with her hilarious one-liners ans her fascination with my past as the rainbow fish. (She found out that I played the rainbow fish in a musical in primary school. In her mind I basically was a fish before she was born. We have many conversations about why I didn’t want to share my shiny scales at first. Haha.)

spends most of her time colouring. She can sit for hours and draw pictures or colour in. Edd bought himself a colouring book and they often sit together colouring together which is so lovely.

listens to Conni and Peppa Pig. Always and everything Peppa Pig!

wants to be either a Kindergarten teacher or a paediatrician when she is grown up.

says “I have a good idea!” multiple times a day.

Lately, Lulu…

Took her first steps!!

makes us all laugh and swoon with her hilarious and babbles and chatter.

loves to empty things and tidy back up. She is much more efficient at the first though.

plays with cars all the time!

has become very good at communicating what she wants. She points and reaches and says “Da! Da!” ( German for “there”).

is still the cutest ever!

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