6 min read
As you might know, reflecting regularly on my goals, evaluating how I am doing and how things are going is important to me. Time moves so fast! Taking moments each day, week and month to check in with myself helps me to feel less overwhelmed. My big overall goal in life is to be intentional. I want to be present, actively make decisions and shape my days as much as possible, rather than just letting things happen to me.
In February and March I shared my habit trackers that I keep in my bullet journal. If you have read those posts, you might remember that I completely fell off the bandwagon with almost everything in March. That is life! March was a very full on month for us and by the end of it I was quite exhausted. I therefore decided to skip habit tracking in April. It is a tool that can be very motivating to me, but at this stage it felt more frustrating than helpful.
Life categories
For me, it is helpful to think about life in categories. I use these to organise folders on my computers, notes on my phone and tasks in my to-do-list app. Plus, I think through each of these when I set goals. (I talk about this in my guide on goal setting as well.) This way of thinking about life might not be everyone’s cup of tea but I find it very useful to regularly check-in with all the areas of life that are important to me.
My review for the month of April plus some goals for May
So, instead of going through my habit trackers for April, I reviewed the month by thinking through some of my life categories. While doing this I also thought through what I would like to continue doing next month and what I want to change.
Faith + Spirituality
Since the beginning of this year I have been going along to a new small group. It has been really great! Talking to other Christians, discussing the Bible together and praying for one another is so good for my soul.
In April I started a Bible Study on spiritual disciplines by the Daily Grace Co. which I have been enjoying a lot. Having this book to work through has been really motivating to open my Bible every day.
Also, I had a friend staying and we had some really good and in-depth conversations about our faith. It has inspired me to think through some other topics that weren’t really on my radar and she recommended some intersting books to me.
Overall, I am very happy with how things are going in this area! I am hoping to continue along this trajectory during May.
The Bright + Bold Life
I am still finding it hard to believe, but I have kept up daily blogging for another month! It’s been really enjoyable and I am finding it hard to imagine to stop at this point! (I probably will reduce the frequency of these posts once the 100 days are complete though!)
Ideally, I would like to share these posts in a more meaningful way on social media. I haven’t posted much on Instagram lately. That’s not a problem really, but I would like to use that platform a bit more intentionally.
Also, I have somehow forgotten to send out my weekly newsletters. (Apologies to those of you are subscribers. Those of you who aren’t – you can sign up here.) I am hoping to get back on it next month.
Health + Fitness
Going to bed at a reasonable time is still an area I am working on, but it is getting better. I have managed to go to bed by 10:30 pm more often, mainly because I haven’t been super well and was very tired.
I have been doing some YouTube workouts on a number of mornings and also been doing my physio exercises more, which has actually made a big difference. April has definitely been the best month in terms of pain levels since SJ was born. A big win!
The arrival of spring has made me quite excited to be eating more salads and fruit again. Overall, I eat reasonably healthy. However, I think there’s definitely room for more greens and less chocolate. Ha! A good goal for the coming month.
Also, I am starting a new exercise class in May. I am very excited about it! On top of that, I would like to continue doing at least one home workout a week.
Learning + Reading
I haven’t done very much reading this past month (more on that tomorrow!). However, I have re-discovered my love for podcasts, which has been great. In particular, I listened to “The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling”, which has sparked a lot of thinking and interesting discussions for me. (I wrote a blog post with some thoughts on it.) I am definitely feeling like my mind is “hungry” and ready to be stretched a bit.
My hope for May is to get through a few more books and to read the news more regularly. Right now I have actually no clue what is going on in the world and I want to change that.
I have finished some creative projects during April: My Ness skirt is finally done and I finished knitting a baby romper. (More on those projects here.) I made a lot of things with sourdough and planted lots of seeds in our garden.
Sadly, I haven’t touched my piano once all month. Right now, blogging is taking up a lot of my free time and creative energy but I do miss making music. We shall see, if I can make a bit more room for it in May.
Overall review
April was a tricky month. I got some bad news that I am still processing and a lot of my energy was taken up by it. At the same time there also was a lot of joy. Parenting is so fun right now, Edd and I celebrated 7 years of marriage and I am more in love with him than ever. I am super grateful for this blog, fun family times and precious friendships. So overall, April was good, even though there were hard days.
I am excited for May and all that is to come.
This is Day 69 of my 100 Day Project. You can learn more about my 100 day project by reading this post. If you want to do your own 100 day Project, I would recommend checking out the 100 Day Project website.
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