6 min read
Thursday was a really great and a really sad day. I got to see two of my favourite people here in Berlin, which was wonderful. But saying goodbye to them was really hard as well.
Thursday morning
But let’s start from the beginning. Thursday was ascension day, which is a bank holiday here in Germany. I started the day getting up, tidying the flat, dusting off surfaces, reading the Bible and then making some pancake batter. I used this recipe and I was very happy with how the pancakes turned out!
10 am // pancakes with Julia and Edd
One of our best friends Julia came to ours, we made pancakes and ate together. I don’t remember when we sat at the table with a friend, ate and talked and just spent time being in each others company. It felt so good. We had some big discussions about the conflict about Israel and palestine, how religion influences society and just caught up generally.

12 pm // pregnancy and baby chats
Julia is a midwife in training and we pretended to do a consultation together as practice for her upcoming exams. It was super helpful as I was able to ask all my questions without feeling I took up too much of her time. I am actually not feeling overly worried about giving birth these days – however, I feel a bit nervouse about what comes after! I haven’t been around babies a whole lot and it seems all a bit mysterious to me how to even pick them up whilst they are unable to hold up their own head… Julia gave me a lot of tips and even showed me how to dress a baby. Which was very helpful and very funny as we used a stuffed animal pig for illustration purposes…
Thursday afternoon
We then had a bit of lunch and played a few rounds of Mario Kart before Julia headed home. Oh man, I will miss her so so much.
I then made some brownies and wrote a bit on my Wednesday blog post.

6 pm // dinner
We then headed next door to see our neighbour, landlady and very good friend for dinner. She is a wonderful cook and spoiled us with salmon, aspargus and a middle Eastern salad. For desert we had the aforementioned brownies. The food was delicious and the company wonderful. We always have such interesting conversations about books and politics and philosophy.
I have loveld living in our flat in Berlin so much. A really great location and having someone live next door who we get on with so well was just so nice. I really hope we manage to stay in touch.

10 pm // writing
Around 10 pm we headed back over to ours. I finished my Wednesday blog post and journalled for a bit in the attempt to process all my emotions. I think until this day it hadn’t felt real that we were really leaving but it suddenly started to sink in. Wow, goodbyes are hard.
Thursday in list form
I was inspired by Ali Edward’s journaling cards, so jotted down the following list:
Feeling: Sad and grateful. Grateful for this day and for wonderful people. Sad to say goodbye.
Appreciating: That I am in less pain today!
Enjoying: Long conversations and being with people.
Noticing: That this move is starting to feel more real as we are saying goodbye to more people. Also, that I haven’t left the house all day.
Watching: The rain outside.
Reading: I haven’t read much today but managed to read a few pages of Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller which is the current read for the Life’s Library Book Club.
Prioritizing: Time with people.
Eating: Pancakes, Bread, Asparagus, Salmon, Potatoes, Brownies.
Listening: Debussy, Bach, Switchfoot.
Wondering: How I will feel next week when I am actually leaving Berlin. And: when I should start to pack?
You can catch my previous week in the life posts here: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
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